
EV Charging Customer Help

Convenient, reliable and simple Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging.

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December 2024

Now Open in Buckland!

23 Kent Street, Buckland, Tasmania

Our newest charger at Buckland is now open to the public. This charger is located conveniently an hour from Hobart on the road to the lovely East Coast.

Users will benefit from this 22kW AC charger with up to 120km range per hour (depending on your vehicle charging capacity / limitations which varies across makes and models).

So have a nice stop in Buckland, head over to the pub or the roadhouse for a feed or explore the area. Public toilets are only 300m away at Buckland Park along with shelter, electric BBQs, picnic table and children's playground.

Located at the historic Old General Store in Buckland, Electrona manages the charger in partnership with the property owner for shared benefit with the community.

It's a great use case for anyone that wants to get better utilisation of their property with public-facing parking amenities.

April 2023

Now Open in Bicheno!

Foster Street, Bicheno, Tasmania

Our new public rapid Electric Vehicle Charger is now open in Bicheno, Tasmania.

The unit is probably the first in Australia and New Zealand to allow app-free charging using its on-board credit card reader!

It's convenienty located on the East Coast and offers fast charging in a location in the vicinity of all town services.

Two parking bays are reserved for electric vehicle charging only - one for DC rapid charge and the other for AC Charge.

The unit can be safely operated from the footpath.

March 2023

Bicheno EV Charge Station Coming Soon

Foster Street, Bicheno, Tasmania

We are excited to be very near to launching a new public rapid Electric Vehicle Charger in Bicheno, Tasmania.

Our charger unit is physically installed and is currently undertaking configuration and testing.

The new charger will allow both Bicheno locals and visitors the ability to quickly charge their electric vehicles.

Two parking bays will be reserved for electric vehicle charging only - one for DC rapid charge and the other for AC Charge.

This will be a great asset to the Bicheno and the broader community.

Electrona Pty Ltd is a fully Tasmanian-based and Tasmanian-owned company focussing on Electric Vehicle infrastructure, Electric Vehicle fleet planning, consulting, and new energy projects.

We are experienced, patient, flexible and capable.

We continue to build knowledge and capability to implement Electric Vehicle charging stations, microgrids and other projects and work hard now for the tomorrow that is coming.

The Electrona Story...

Tasmania’s story has long been linked to electricity. Our hydro-electric power stations have literally powered our economy on clean renewable energy for decades. Wind farms harnessing the notorious Roaring Forties trade winds and thousands of solar panels have added to their output.

Stephen and Josh were chatting over a Hobart pub-meal. As friends and colleagues that worked on large-scale technology, business and energy projects, the conversation drifted to thoughts of Tasmania’s future. They were optimistic, they love this place, but pragmatic about our challenges. It became apparent that Tasmania had a glaring gap. A market failure. Despite the abundance of clean energy our economy was being held down by old transport models. This was oddly ironic as the future of transport globally was clearly electric, and they knew it.

It didn’t take much pondering to conclude that the obstacle was infrastructure. Tasmania simply did not have the elements in place to support an electric vehicle fleet. Whilst whole industries were developing overseas, Tasmania was lagging. Josh and Stephen discussed a vision that saw Tasmania develop our own electric transport infrastructure industry and thus Electrona was born.

Electrona has been developing local knowledge and capability. They have been researching trends and building the business relationships needed. Whilst international and national corporates battle “to monetise the opportunity”, Stephen and Josh believe Tasmania does things differently. Whilst others misallocate large sums on corporate structures, marketing and lobbying ― Electrona is quietly and busily working on problems and solutions. They plan to stay right here, where it matters, to support Tasmania and its growing EV fleet.

“It’s a big job. We’ve got a business equivalent of Federation Peak to climb. There are lots of challenges. Knowledge, capability, access to technology, logistics, electricity network constraints as well community and user expectations all make it a slow journey. We can’t give up because it’s hard. We’re all going have electric cars someday and we’ll all need to charge them.

Since commencing, Josh and Stephen have nearly assembled what’s needed to make this work. They are quietly building knowledge and working on projects that deliver value. They are doing it carefully. They are doing it well, and they are doing it right here in Tasmania.

Electrona Corporate

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